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Soul-centered Coaching


Teri Jo's extensive education and experience in counseling are magnified a thousand fold by her deep intuition and loving heart. She creates an environment of safety and trust that completely allows me to be myself, to admit my blocks and limiting beliefs in my personal life and career, and with her gentle but firm guidance, to begin to heal these. After each session I feel empowered and can't wait for the next one! ~ Elana G., Screenwriter, Director


Teri Jo has an amazing ability to make everything meaningful and magical. She has a wonderful listening ear, open heart and offers wise council in situations like romance, family problems, rising from depression, self-esteem and life purpose. She is especially good at working with people who feel different and encourages them to celebrate that. She uses creative ways to inspire people to be true to their self and follow their own heart! She is an intuitive, passionate and very wise coach that will make a very positive difference in your life. ~ Gabrielle B, Wife & Mother, Reiki Practitioner


Her wise and loving presence created a space for connecting deeply to Spirit and receiving many powerful wisdoms and keys. She is the real deal! Clear intuition, connection to Spirit, love and compassion are the most important qualities for a coach/counselor and Teri Jo demonstrates those to perfection ~ Monica N., College Student


Teri Jo is a fierce advocate for the soul and its ever-present wisdom and availability. Throughout my session she lovingly led me back to the source of my own truth where I was able to clear the way and relax into my Highest Good. This did not happen outside of me, it was an internal experience. I felt so much inner peace with Teri Jo's guidance. My body was humming, my clarity revealed and I now have some excellent tools to keep me in touch with my deepest truth
~ Melanie D, CTBF/MA, Breathing LifeCoach


She came as such a blessing to me and I pray as many people as possible have the good fortune of experiencing the gift that she is. I found the phone session extremely effective. Teri Jo is highly intuitive and compassionate and the loving space she creates is absolutely awesome! ~ Usman M., Healer & EFT Practitioner


Teri Jo's Soul-centered Coaching goes straight to the heart of the matter! The clarity and positive insight she shared helped tremendously with some areas I was feeling very stuck and confused in. I deeply appreciate the soulful wisdom, kindness and patience her coaching provides .~ Kelli B, Photographer


Teri Jo is amazing!!! She is so loving and her approach to coaching is intuitive and fun. 

I highly recommend her. You will too. ~ Johnny O, Actor, Transformation Coach




Soul-centered Education


The 'Girl Power' program has been an incredible experience for me. Teri Jo helped us as young women connect with ourselves and each other in deep and caring ways. Together, we found a space to feel, be heard, to know we are not alone, to be real, to help each other and to know ourselves. We found tools to survive even some of the most challenging situations. Everything we did in Girl Power was magical and unbelievably supportive. I wish every girl was lucky enough to have a Teri Jo in her life.
~ Astrid R, Girl Power participant


The Mother-Teen Daughter Retreat was truly an amazing experience for me and all involved. It was deeply touching, carefully prepared, wonderfully facilitated and brought all of us one of the best growth opportunities of our lives. ~ Ileana T, Mother


Teri Jo is full of positive energy, acceptance, compassion and great wisdom. She can understand your heart before you even remember where it is in your body. This woman makes you want to believe in magic again. She has a way of reaching out to everyone's inner child, no matter how bitter or beaten down it is. She can make anyone rise to realize their true selves. She rips your heart out, filters it, polishes it, and then sets it on the roller coaster of a life time and returns it to you rejuvenated and ready for the most awesome life you've only dreamed you could have. ~ Eric S, Teen Seminar participant


I was fortunate to participate in a successful values program directed by Teri Jo called 'Team V.' At first, I thought the program was designed to teach core values like self-esteem, gratitude, kindness and respect only to the kids. I soon realized this was a program for all involved to learn and grow from. Before we led activities with the children, she had us do meaningful, related activities. This helped give us a clearer understanding of the concepts and assisted us in being better parents and human beings. Thanks to the work she has done with this special program we can make a much needed difference in the world. Our kids hearts are serving others because of her programs and modeling. There is an expression that says: 'It takes a village to raise a child.' Teri Jo infuses this philosophy in all the work she does, creating a safe, fun and interesting educational community for all. ~ Tere W, Team V Parent Volunteer


I have always admired Teri Jo's ability to communicate and reach children and teenagers. I got to know her well during her first Teen Seminar held over a long weekend at one of the hotels in town. At that event she was able to guide teenagers towards a better understanding of themselves and others to a depth I didn't think was possible in such a short period of time. Teri Jo believes in getting the best out of every person around her and is always available to help a child. Since then she has led more of these seminars, and has organized a Joy Heart Club for girls ranging in ages from 9 to 12 years old, as well as Girl Power for teen girls. There are many kids at our school who have benefited from her guidance and programs.  
~ Lisa L, Teen Seminar Volunteer


Teri Jo is an inspiring woman who I had the privilege to work with at an incredible women's workshop called Glow she put on in Vancouver. I definitely recommend her work to anyone looking for extra love and light in their lives.
~ Shannon M, Glow workshop participant


The Lighten Up workshop was awesome! The presentation and activities were informative, funny and engaging. Teri Jo is a truly gifted facilitator who packs a powerful spiritual punch. ~ Katherin H, Lighten Up workshop participant


Teri Jo is the best listener and she truly cares about each one of us. She was the biggest support for me in some of the hardest times of my life. She opens a safe space for you and helps you through whatever you are going through. She gives you tools to help you when you are with her and also when you're on your own. She helps you see that you are never alone. She creates space for you to cry, laugh, mourn, scream, giggle, and smile. She helps you figure out what to do in situations and find courage to take next steps in life. She helps you go inside and truly awaken. She helps you remember how amazing and wonderful you really are! ~ Bria Z, Girl Power participant


The Inner Trio Connection class brought to light that I am more than my body and mind, that my child-self, for example, is still very much alive and has huge potential. Likewise, I found my higher-self to be a great resource, which I had, until now, left mostly untapped. It is there for me any time I need advice, reassurance, love, forgiveness.  On a more concrete and practical level, consulting with the three aspects of myself allows me to get clarity and sort the endless (mixed) messages my mind sends. ~ Viola R, Inner Trio Connection participant


I would recommend the Inner Trio Connection course to anyone who wants a break from traditional therapy, oversimplified self-help books, or a methodology to solve incompletions or indecision. I got all of what I wrote about that I wanted from the online class. I can access my inner child and Higher Power much easier and faster than I used to.  
~ Kendra W., Inner Trio Connection participant


I wanted my 40th birthday to be a special celebration of who I had been and more importantly a commitment ceremony to who I was becoming. Teri Jo facilitated a deeply meaningful event filled with heart-opening activities for me and 15 of my closest friends and family. It was a day I will always remember and cherish as will all who attended~ Khatija D, Mother, Counselor





Home SOULutions Organizing


Working with Teri Jo was a profound and joyful, literally life enhancing experience. It was much more than sorting, clearing and organizing, but it was that too. Angel, guide, ‘new life midwife’ Teri Jo supported me in clearing boxes of old stuff - family photos, past business files, closets of linens, etc. She is gifted in showing me my life through her eyes, giving me an expanded perspective of what's possible, deeply appreciating all things, using past experiences, exploring life purpose and its evolution and building on that with amazing possibilities and some thrilling and inspiring actual next steps. Having Teri Jo's loving, patient, insightful support made what I was dreading as drudgery into a pleasure. And it set me up for continuing the process of making those ongoing decisions and being kind and generous to myself and all concerned. ~ Anna, La Mision, Mexico


Teri Jo has a natural gift for organizing. What is unique about her is how attuned she was emotionally to how I was feeling and what was needed to keep the momentum going. This is a great asset when helping someone who is going through belongings that are sentimental with sadness and difficult feelings. My son had passed away a few years before and I had a lot of his belongings to sort through. Teri Jo embraced how I was feeling and I was comforted by her genuine, loving support throughout the process. At times, I needed her to tell me to let go of certain things. It was a great relief to do this, clearing the space not only physically, but also the energy in the room as well. She looks at a space and immediately knows what is needed. She is intuitive, hard-working, focused, works quickly, and checks in consistently. I felt safe with Teri Jo. She is trustworthy going through personal and sometimes confidential material. It was a joy working with Teri Jo and I highly recommend her services to anyone going through a transition. ~ Terese, Seattle, WA


The importance of organizing is more than simply aesthetics. It has transformed our family in so many ways. Teri Jo helped us completely clear our home and our lives! From finally getting rid of old photos and files, to reorganizing ​​the kitchen and closets, to coming up with organizational systems that we can keep up - Teri Jo has been such a blessing to us! She also helped to create some structure for our family, including a chart for our kids to earn money by tracking daily tasks and responsibilities. That alone has turned into a major learning experience on finances, personal accountability, and keeping our word. We now have Sunday night family meetings that we all look forward to. In addition to being happier and more productive, we are enjoying our home and each other so much more. Thanks, Teri Jo!  We need you on an ongoing basis!
~ Elizabeth, Beverly Hills CA


Teri Jo approaches her work with such joy and a sense of adventure that it makes this normally onerous chore into a fun game. With her gentle compassion, I felt accepted and loved throughout the process… and the clearing took place on many other levels beyond the physical decluttering.  Teri B, Long Beach CA


When I reached out to Teri Jo, I was post-divorce and swimming in decades worth of stuff needing to be sorted and organized. On top of that, I was also facing the heart-heavy challenge of helping my kids say goodbye to the only home they'd ever known. In a matter of days, Teri Jo gathered up all the things I didn't know what to do with from around the house, and strategically placed them into categories. We started by going through the least sentimental items, and with her support, I got the strength and momentum to keep up with this emotionally challenging task. In our intention setting session at the beginning, it became clear that supporting the kids was vital to the success of our organizing session, so while I worked through the boxes and piles, Teri Jo guided each of my two children through their own process of claiming what to keep and what to let go of. By the end of our time together, I found the courage to sort through even the most sentimental of items, and each of the children had fully transitioned into their bedrooms in our new home. I knew we'd succeeded when my 10-year-old said, "This house feels like our house, and now I can't imagine this room NOT being my room!~ Rumi, Seattle, WA​​


Teri Jo is amazing! She helped me organize boxes and boxes of my son’s keepsakes (over 17 years!) in a day. She takes such care with everything, is really thoughtful, insightful and full of solutions. I’d personally like her to come live with us and assist me daily! ~ Suzi, Encino CA


I highly recommend Teri Jo as a powerful organizer. I have worked with other organizers and what makes Teri Jo one level better is that she customized the organization flow based on my unique needs, strengths and even fears. She is truly a partner and in my words, a co-creator of Heaven on Earth. Now when I see clutter on my desk I don’t go into angst about it because I know that with my new organized flow everything will get done within divine order, and much of the time, it will be fun!
~ Heidi, Santa Monica, CA


For anyone needing a push to get things organized in your home or even on your computer, I highly recommend the extraordinary skills of Teri Jo Wheeler. If you have been struggling to get things done before the holidays or just in general, Teri Jo has a gentle, caring way of helping you to focus and achieve what might seem impossible. She can lift anyone out of chaos and into order with such cheerfulness and ease, that the process is filled with joy and celebration. Anyone thinking that this might be a chore will be blown away by the fun of it all. Teri Jo helped me beyond words and her teaching has given me the skills and motivation to continue the momentum she started. You will be thrilled. ~ Winifred, Ensenada, Mexico


I am finding so much more energy and clarity since I started working with Teri Jo Wheeler. She is just so gifted and even driven to make things work, look and feel better. I am able to find what I need. Teri Jo is such a great gift for me. I am so grateful that I get to have her support in helping me become more focused and effective. Thank you God for sending me Teri Jo!
~John, Santa Monica, CA


Teri Jo has been working with me on clearing and re-organizing my entire home. She is the absolute best organizer, supporter, assisting-in-completing person around! She sees where I don't see and has supported me in ways way beyond my expectations. Her delight in supporting me the way I need support is amazing. She actually listens and hears what I'm looking for under my words and puts my unspoken thoughts and desires around my home (and other parts of my life) right into place. I've worked with others and there is no comparison. Teri Jo uses all of her skills on all levels when she is here and I miss her precious energy when she leaves. She has even traveled around the country, so if you're not in LA, you can still use her services. ~ Berti, West LA, CA


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