Teri Jo Wheeler
Soul-centered Education for Kids
IAt our core, we are kind, generous, helpful, compassionate, caring and creative. I was reminded of this again and again in a Laboratory of Living Love as a Kindergarten Teacher for over a decade. It was an honor to be completely immersed in aliveness, openness and boundless joy. My soul-centered education classes with kids are aimed at helping them preserve their preciousness, while also cultivating the strength, structure, courage and confidence (healthy development of ego) necessary to be in human form.
Upon request, I lead 6 week programs via ZOOM for groups of kids ages 8-10 or 11-13. In The Joy Heart Circle program, kids learn about the 5 elements, creating an altar, keeping a clean and inspiring room, and self-care practices on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Other potential program topics: Self-Love, Friendship & Family Connections, Confidence & Communication, Creative Expression, and so on.